We collaborate with knowledge institutes and technology suppliers to develop integral solutions for our clients. Aquavest balances economic, environmental and social values for society.

We are keen to help translate knowledge into solutions that are ready to enter the market. We collaborate with knowledge institutes and technology suppliers to integrate their solutions into AquaVest. AquaVest generates business propositions that enable the valorisation of knowledge and that feed the iterative design process of continuous improvement. This way the client benefits from our integral and inclusive way of working.

AquaVest is able to test the impact of different interest and considerations on the system solution. The algorithm balances the social, environmental and economic values at stake and quantifies the trade-offs. The solutions developed though AquaVest generate social, environmental and economic value for society.

Our process

Our interaction with the client starts with a Get To Know You. If the client believes that AquaVest can help achieve their goals then we would proceed with the project development phases.

Get To Know You
The goal of the first meeting is for us to better understand your problem and to evaluate if AquaVest can help you answer the questions you have. If there is interest, we would kick-off the collaboration with a workshop.

Project development phases:

1. Workshop
During the workshop key stakeholders from the public and private sector are present. The goal of the workshop is to develop a better understanding of the problem, the objective, the different interests of the stakeholders, the drivers of the project, and the timeline. The client can then decide to proceed with a Proof of Concept (PoC).

2. Proof of Concept
The PoC is intended to familiarize the customer with our new way of working; the introduction of “system thinking”. The PoC has an explorative, strategic and conceptual character. The results of the PoC can be worked out in more detail in subsequent project phases.

3. Busines proposition
This phase is focussed on developing different system solutions to meet the interests of the public and private stakeholders involved. Social, environmental and economic values will need to be balanced. Trade-offs between these different values need to be quantified and assessed.

4. Investment strategy
The final deliverable is a project specific investment strategy that outlines options for shared investments, critical variables that could alter the investment strategy, and timing of investments over a 20 year period.

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